Day Five

Day 5

Yaaaawn! Whew! I got barely an hour of sleep last night. I am feeling magical, though.
Today, when I woke up, Andrew told me something. Something that could change the way I battle monsters.
"You should think about becoming a cool Class." Andrew stated.
"A Class?" I asked.
"A Class -- A basic definition of your combat style."
"Hmm. Tell me, what are the different Classes I can become?"
"Melee, Mage, Ranger, and Miner," Andrew said to me. "But there are also Sub-Classes."
"What're those?"
"Well, there are too many to say right now, and some people think the list is endless, but Sub-Classes are the Classes the follow after you choose a main Class."
"Y'know, Andrew, we've said the word "class" about ten times in 30 seconds."
"Huh, I guess we have."
I walked out the door, with Andrew following.
"I need to see the different things each class can do before I choose one suddenly."
Andrew took out a piece of paper and started scribbling on it with his finger. He gave this to me:

After pondering my four decisions, I decided to go with Melee, but I thought it was worth checking out the other Classes. I wanted to start working on the Melee class, so I went to further check out the training area Andrew made. Before I left, Andrew asked me how many coins I had. I didn't even know there were coins in this world. I checked my pocket-inventory and saw that down in the corner of it, there was a little place marked "Coins". I took the Copper and Silver coin out only to feel that there were way more than one of each. I counted them all after setting them down on the table that Andrew quickly made. 
"75 Copper coins and 26 Silver coins"
"Nice, Fireh! I know someone who if you had 50 Silver coins, he would like to settle down in this world. I have some Silver coins, and you can have them."
"Wait, aren't those yours? I mean, I don't want to steal them from you."
"I have no use collecting these. There's nothing I need to bye from anyone."
"Well, if you say so..." 
I took the coins Andrew had, counted them with the other ones I had and discovered that I had 49 Silver coins and 99 Copper coins.
I stood there with a blank face staring in disbelief at the coins I had. I needed one more Copper coin! Then, Andrew handed me one more Copper coin, grinning ear to ear.
As soon as I put the 100 Copper coins together, they shook for a second and combined to a Silver coin, which I put with the rest of my coins.

Suddenly, I heard a voice in my head saying, "Henry the Merchant arrived". I thought Andrew heard it too, because his smile was practically of his face, it was so big.
"Awesome," Andrew half-yelled, "You get to meet Henry today!"
In the middle of Andrew hyping the situation up, I realized that I had forgotten to eat the Mana Crystals. I reached into my inventory and pulled out the two bright blue glowing stars. They reminded me of the neon mushrooms that had been underground when I "fought" the Skeleton.

I shoved the crystals in my mouth and discovered that stars are delicious. I instantly felt the rush of power course through my veins as I swallowed the chewed-up remains of the two Mana Crystals. 

Henry popped out of nowhere right in front of Andrew and I. I jumped in surprise, but Andrew stood still. 
"Ah, Andrew, my good friend. How's it going?" Henry said to Andrew.
"I was about to help Fireh build a nice, little home for you."

An hour later, the sun was going down and we had all helped make a little home for Henry, right on top of Andrew's house. We used those wooden platform things to make a way to get up to Henry's part of the house from inside. I asked Henry what he could do and he told me about the things he can sell to me. 

As Andrew and I said our "goodnights" to Henry, Andrew told me about a new tab that should appear when I open my inventory. I looked in my pocket and there it was, the Housing tab. I tapped it and was impressed with what I saw. A picture of Andrew and Henry, along with about twenty other blank squares. Andrew explained to me that as more people moved in, I would see them here. 

As we settled into our beds, we said goodnight to each other and started to drift off to sleep. Andrew is sleeping now, so I'm gonna have to say goodnight, Diary!