Day One

Day 1

I woke up this morning in a strange blocky land. I looked around, and there were very tall trees all around me. I heard voice come out of nowhere.

“Oh, good. You’re awake.”

This surprised me, so when I first heard his voice, I jumped.

“Don’t be scared. I’m Andrew, your guide to this world. As in, my profession is literally to be your guide.”

I looked behind me and there he was, Andrew the Guide. He looked like a normal person. Normal being not a weird green-colored slime thing jumping at- wait, what is that?

Andrew quickly took out a wooden bow and started shooting at it. After a couple hits, it finally disappeared into a blob of blue slime. I thought that was weird, seeing as it was a green slime. Andrew told me that was called a Green Slime --named for fairly obvious reasons--, and what it dropped was gel. That part I understood, because it looked gross to the touch. 

Andrew had explained that the Gel was for making torches. It’s extremely flammable, apparently. He took it and put it in his pocket! Gross! He saw my scrunched up face and said not to worry, and said to look in his pocket. I thought he was acting weird, but hesitantly walked over to him and looked. I. Was. Amazed! His pocket was like a wormhole! He had his Wooden Bow, a couple hundred arrows (wow), the piece of gel he collected, a wooden axe, sword, and pickaxe.

He told me to look in my pocket and when I did, my mouth opened in awe. All I had were a pencil and paper (my diary), a wooden axe, sword, and pickaxe. He told me I could only use the right tools for the specific job I needed to do. He walked up to a tree and told me to chop it down. I was a little bit surprised. I mean, chop down an entire tree? I had just woken up in this world! I took out my axe and started to chop. It took about 8 seconds, but the tree finally just disappeared into a bunch of little pieces of wood and some acorns. He told me to look in my pocket again. I looked in and guess what? There were 18 pieces of wood in my pocket!

Andrew said that we needed shelter from the monsters (or “googlies” as he called them) that come out at night. He also explained to me that to build, you just place some building material (whether that be dirt, wood, stone, etc.) wherever you want to build. I put down a rectangle around us, and started on the second layer when I ran out of wood. Andrew and I decided to quickly go out and chop some trees before the sun started to set.

After a while, we came back to the area that I planned to build the house and we started to work on the house. After about 20 minutes of building, we closed ourselves inside the crude little house and waited. After about 5 minutes, Andrew said, “It’s very dark in here,” I looked at him with a hint of uncertainty showing. “I should make some torches.”

A couple seconds later, I heard something that sounded like Andrew fumbling with sticks and stirring macaroni and cheese. I then heard what sounded like a match being lit and the whole room was burst into a bright light. “Am I dying?” I asked jokingly. Andrew laughed and said “No, but torches can be pretty blinding!” The light started to fade into a much dimmer illumination.

“Won’t these burn the house down?” I asked, the serious in my voice letting Andrew know I wasn’t joking around anymore. “I mean it is a flaming torch in a wooden house.”

“Nope, you don’t have to worry. As far as I know, these haven’t even ever burned one block, let alone a whole house. At least I’m pretty sure or it.”

Pretty sure of it? That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen!”

Andrew put the open flame up to the side of the house. We both waited, and nothing happened. The torch then popped out of Andrew’s hand and stuck to the wall like an invisible sconce was keeping it there.

It was then the monsters that only came out at night… well, came out because it was night. The first strange sound I heard was a low-pitched growling. Then I heard thumps like someone was banging their head into the side of the house. Then the thumping started to rise. Pretty soon it seemed like the thumping was someone above us stomping around like a young child jumping in a puddle. I sat in the middle of the small room, my eyes zooming around, thinking, Oh geez, it sounds like whatever is out there is about to break in!

Almost as if he were reading my thoughts, Andrew calmed me down a lot be saying nothing could break through the blocks that made up the house. He also told me that the monsters on the roof were most likely Demon Eyes. That freaked me out! 

I ended up sitting and talking to Andrew most of the night. He says he’ll teach me how to mine a little bit tomorrow! I’m really looking forward to it.

Well, goodnight Diary! (Yaaaaawn!)